Sylvia, The Angel of Death

My name is Isabelle.
I'm 21 years old.
I had a nightmare.
Telling the truth I still have it.
She is here.
She's sitting in my head.
Her eyes
She will force me.
Help me!
It began one evening a week ago. I listened to music. Suddenly, station has changed. I heard a voice. Then i saw her. The girl had blue hair. And blue-green eyes. Then someting crazy happened. She began to burn. I wanted to help her, but something made me not move. When the fire extinguished. I saw... I don't know who. It still was she... another. She had red hair, black-red eyes and... black wings. Suddenly understanding.
She was an Angel of Death.
Someting in my head made me to talk to her.
-What's your name?- I asked.
- Sylvia.- the girl answered.- A quiet now, do not bother me.
I felt that I regained control of myself.
- Help me!- I screamed.- Help!
Suddenly she began to sing... I starded to go, but i did not want. I went to her. She reached out to me hands. In one hand the knife, the second gun.
I had a choice.
I grabbed the gun. I was about to shoot myself in my head, when suddenly...
- Who is here?!- someone shouted.
The girl changed. She looked like before to the first change, but still has wings, this time blue. She went to window, smashed it and... flew out. So just.
I lost consciuouness.
I woke up in the hospital. It turned out that i have depressions. It was recommended me to stay home. Now I sit in the chair and watch TV.
Radio is included.
No, no, no! Help me!
Her singing...
I got up from in the chair and went to the balcony. I saw her again. I mean, she had blue hair, blue-green eyes and blue wings. I noticed that were bandaged.
- Come to me.- she had softly.- I'll help you.
I went to the railling and jumped. Cornen my eye, I noticed that the girl goes up in flames...
I woke up in a strange place. There were dark and cold. Looking around I saw her. She come to me and asked solicitously:
-- How are you?
She smiled at me.
- Good.- I answered honestly.- Who you are? What are you doing? And why?
- I am the Angel of Death- she said.- Or a demon. As your prefer. Generally I helping people discover their purpose. But... not all people. Only commit suicide.
- But... I have not commited suicide! You forced me to do! You killed me!
- I thought you needed help. You've had depressions before doctors established proof of existence. Began after the death of your father, remember? If I don't help'd you have a razor blade in your hand and slashed yourself. Your death would to be a long and painful...
- How do you know?- I asked
- In the end. I am the Angel of Death.
I looked at Sylvia. I understood everything.
- Thank you...- I whispered.
- Think nothing of it.- She replied carefully.
- What now?- I asked.
- ''We will know you destiny...''